Sunday, June 27, 2010


i was in the car for six hours today.  i listened to Jesus music the entire time.  okay, not the entire time.  is it a sin to listen to a little Gaga?  the beat is so... contagious.  but for the first five and a half hours, i listened to Jesus music.  this Jesus music fest led to a lot of thinking and great conversation with my roommate.

i go to a Christian college.  i have endless opportunities to participate in church services, Bible studies, and mission work.  and, being completely honest, i haven't taken advantage of all that is offered to me.  i protested God this year.  i didn't go to church, rarely read my Bible, avoided the chaplains like the plague, and didn't  listen to any Jesus music.   why?  there are a lot of reasons.  any of them incredibly reasonable?  probably not.  there has been sense of emptiness this year, a feeling of longing for something.

when i was looking for a college to attend, i knew i wanted a Christian college.  i had this idea in my head that i would get here and everyone would be Christians, and not just Christians, but have deeply rooted relationships with Christ.  i would learn so much to strengthen my relationship with Christ by being surrounded by all of these perfect Christians.

--back to reality--

there is no such thing as a perfect Christian.  my peers are a) not all Christians and b) do not all have strong personal relationships with Christ.  i put unrealistic expectations in my head and unreasonable standards for everyone i would meet here.  these students are humans: they make mistakes and they give into the temptations of worldly things.  many students here are in the same boat i am in.

my belief in Christ, while it is a part of religion, it is faith.  i believe there is a very big difference between religion and faith.  Christianity isn't just a religion.  it should be a way of life.  it isn't a pretty little package to be opened every Sunday, but the wind in my sails to make it through every day. 

something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. amen, girl. "a way of life...." this was something constantly brought up by the traditional lakota people. i'm glad we jammed. i needed it and i think you did too. :) <3
