Friday, July 2, 2010

sister, sister.

i talked to my sister the other day.  you say, "you don't have a sister" and biologically, you'd be correct.  but... i have a sister.  and she lives in california.  way too far away from me.  and unfortunately, the physical distance has caused distance in our communication. :(  but, i talked to her the other day and it pretty much made my life.

so much to catch up on.  so much has changed.  so much is exactly. the. same.  it's crazy to see how far we've both come over the last several years.  the life we've seen.  the personal devastation.  the highs.  the lows.  the people that have come in and out of our lives.  the people, friendships, and relationships that we've cried about or laughed about.

oh, how i've missed our chats.  love ya, sista!

1 comment:

  1. i assume this is about me lol... i love our skype time and miss you much.. .and ps i will be home in a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
