Saturday, July 31, 2010

perks and downfalls.

there are so many perks to the summer.  i love the fact that, for the most part, there is no class, less responsibilities, and more time to just relax.  and at the same time, there are so many downfalls to summer.  for the most part, there is no class, no responsibilites, and more time to just relax.  and this has gotten me to my point today.  i was so bored i cried.  no joke.

my job has been cut back to practically nothing.  my summer class got canceled.  i've read a couple books but i've kind of outlived that joy.  i mean, i like to read, but i can only read so many books back to back until i crave another form of entertainment.

so imagine my excitement today when my mom and i made plans to go get a few things for the house.  that's right, i actually got extremely excited to go look at kitchen knobs and light fixtures with my mom.  we woke up early, hung around for a little bit, and then we were supposed to get on the road.  but, oh no, other things arose.  and what have i done today?  nothing.

it's okay though.  we had dinner plans.  surely those would work out.  nope.  not those either.

summer has it perks, but it has it's downfalls too.  i'm ready to head back to school...

Friday, July 30, 2010


"Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His love than in your own weakness." - Mother Teresa

Thursday, July 29, 2010



now, i understand that this might not excite all of you, but it should.  today is the first day in over 16 years, that we have had a fridge/freezer that made ice cubes. 

you know life must be really boring when a new fridge excites you.  i need friends.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

new apartment.

so today, i got the afternoon off.  have i mentioned here before that my hours got cut in more than half?  oh yeah, it's pretty... not awesome.  but the free time can be enjoyable sometimes.

today, mom and i spent the day helping a family friend find accessories to outfit her new apartment.  it was so much fun to return things, find new things, decide what scheme to go with -- a color or a theme?  it was great.

there is nothing like spending fun times with fun friends. 

so we decided to top the night with dinner.  all day it had been gorgeous.  a little too hot for my comfort level but it was sunny and therefore, i couldn't complain.  then, all of the sudden, this dark cloud of gloom appeared.  and just as we pulled into the parking lot, this dark cloud of gloom opened up and it rained cats and dogs.

it is still raining, but now i'm really not complaining.  i love thunderstorms! 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

hi ho! hi ho!'s off to camp we go!

so, starting today, i begin the trek into the big city twice a day to take the girl to camp and pick her up for the next two weeks.  she started art camp yesterday and seems to really enjoy it.  she's taking a paint class and a claymation class.

too bad she doesn't remember gumby.  who doesn't remember gumby, seriously?  but she is really excited for it and i'm excited to see her excited.  therefore, i will change my attitude and love driving into the big city, wrestling the traffic, and filling my gas tank.

hi ho! hi ho! it's off to camp we go!

Monday, July 26, 2010


i don't have to work today!  i don't have to work today!  i don't have to work today!

those are some of the best days.  not that i don't like working -- most the time it's pretty great.  but i can't complain when sometimes the boss calls and tells me to take the day off.  and who am i to not follow orders?  so i did just that: took the day off.

the only reason i got dressed?  to go get the mail from the end of the driver and not embarrass myself in front of the neighbors while doing so.  not even kidding.

tomorrow -- it's back to work.  back to cleaning.  back to organizing.

i was going to say back to unpacking, but i haven't started and i don't know that i will get around to that. 

in the meantime, it's back to the last few hours of relaxation. :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010


i feel as though our society is losing their morals.  i'm all up for a good time.  i listen to lady gaga.  and i think that that is okay.  if you have different beliefs that i do, i'm okay with that too. you don't think we're losing our morals?  fine by me.  i'm up for educated discussions, difference of opinions, etc.

but i take real issue when people try to put me down and attempt to make me feel lower than they are.  i have morals.  i have beliefs.  and i stick to them.  that is my choice and i'm proud of it.  i'm not perfect, i don't claim to be, and i don't judge you for our differences.  therefore, i was extremely caught off guard last night when in a drunken stupor, i was "called out" and my "true colors" were exposed.

go on with your life.  live it the way you want.  bask in the success and mourn in your failures.  enjoy yourself.  hate yourself.  do what you do.  but, please, don't bring me down with you.  and, after you attempt and fail, don't pretend like it never happened and then try to be besties with me.


whew.  now that i got that off my chest...

i'm home from the bachelorette party.  i had a blast (minus one small incident)!  how was everyone's weekend!? :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

bachelorette party.

i am up entirely too early.  forgive me if this post makes absolutely no sense.  it is 4...something in the morning and i didn't go to bed until... 1:30.  i'm smart.  i know.  don't everybody tell me at once.

mom and i are off to a bachelorette party.  we're tagging along with some great family friends.  it should be an interesting adventure.  never met the bride.  but we have to leave super early because we have quite the road trip in front of us.

we're headed off to a nice house in the middle of nowhere for some old fashioned fun, laughter and great times.  and when we finally make it there, it will be well worth it -- i'm sure!


Monday, July 19, 2010

cousinly love!

my mom and i drove down south yesterday.  two of my cousins had flown out from the opposite side of the united states to visit their sister.  she and her husband live four (and a half) miles hours south of us.  so we met halfway.  it was thrown together last minute.

we were originally going to meet up at this chinese restaurant.  we got off the highway, made a few turns, and founds ourselves in an eerie little neighborhood.  it was probably the place to be... fifty years ago, but no one was around.  there was one car in the parking lot besides us and we didn't see another one coming from either direction.  so we changed locations and settled for greek -- which wasn't settling.  it was delicious. 

it was so great to see my cousins.  i hadn't seen the guys since their sister got married over a year ago.  there is something about family that is irreplaceable.  growing up, we never saw each other that often but there is a bond that is so great -- a sense of understanding with no explanations.

who knows the next time i'll see them... until then, don't be strangers!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

you're gonna miss this.

you're gonna miss this.

you're gonna want this back.

you're gonna wish these days,

hadn't gone by so fast.

these are some good times,

so take a good look around.

you may not know it now,

but you're gonna miss this.


it's only when you're tested that you truly discover who you are.  and it's only when you're tested that you discover who you can be.  the person that you want to be does exist, somewhere in the other side of hard work, faith, and belief... and beyond the heartache and fear of what life has.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

how the times change.

i hung out with a friend from high school tonight.  we don't go to the same college and are rarely in the same state, so it was a welcomed visit.  it seems like it's been forever.  some things haven't changed and in many ways, the changes and differences seem huge.  did i enjoy the company?  absolutely.  but talking about different situations, it's interesting to hear her views of the matter.

i grew up with the same group of  kids.  over one hundred (a quarter of my graduating class) kids from my town did all thirteen years together.  everyone knew everything about each other because that's all we'd been surrounded by.  and there was this idea that this would stay the same.  but tonight, we were reminiscing on the people we were friends with in middle school and even in high school and we don't talk to the majority of them.  not only that, our outlook on life and morals are so completely different.

times change.

and unfortunately, that leads me to college.  another small school where it seems that everyone knows everything about each other.  but let's face it, after next year or the following, i'm not going to talk to the majority of them.  i'm not going to stay in touch with them.

life is always changing.  many friendships come and go.  i had a hard time with this at first.  a really hard time.  i love my friends and i hate to watch friendships dissolve without a fight.  i try my hardest.  but my chaplain made a good point... God puts people into your life for the proper season.  You live, you learn, you grow, you change, and sometimes people aren't meant to be in your life forever.

i love keeping in touch with a few of my high school classmates.  it is fun to reminisce and i look forward to those days with my college friends.  wherever God takes me, i have the memories of great moments with great friends, even if we've gone our separate ways now.

Friday, July 16, 2010

we are pretty fun!

today consisted of a whole lot of nothing.  got up, showered, made the bed, drove em around as instructed, and caught up on lounging, reading, and watching tv.  dinner was a compilation of leftovers from meals over the last week.  it was fundayfriday. 

9:15 pm:  the phone rings.

Mrs. G: what are you doing?
Mom:  in our pajamas.  laying around.  the same thing we've done all day.  you?
Mrs. G:  nothing.  we're bored.

9:30 pm:  friends arrive.

and here ensues the adventures of the four amigos.  we went out for ice cream, drove through town, laughed at each other and our corny jokes, and scared a bunch of kids that were up to no good.  we felt so cool.

and this is why i love them.  their spontaneity, loyalty, love, laughter, and friendship is something i know other people will never be so blessed to experience.    and as we drove through town with the windows down, laughing at eachother, someone said, "we are pretty fun!"

i can't agree more! ;)

i want one.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

the perfect wedding.

no worries.  i don't have my wedding planned.

...but, my mom and i have been watching a lot of wedding shows.  one of the shows is called platinum weddings.  these people are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on their wedding.  don't get me wrong, if this is how you choose to spend your money, more power to you.  but, i sit there thinking, "i could buy myself a new car and make a down payment on a house with that kind of money!"

i wonder...

is it really necessary to spend that much money on your wedding?  are you going to remember every last detail? maybe.  but crystals in your bouquet?  gold on your wedding cake?  a personal fireworks show?  i just sit here in shock at the amounts of money people are dropping for these excessive additions to their wedding.

give me a dress, some flowers, food, and a camera.  we're good to go.

...oh, and a groom might be nice too! :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

dear friend.

dear friend,

how are you?  it has been so incredibly long since we've last spoken.  way too  long if you ask me.  these summer months bring so many memories and the fact that we're moving has made me sentimental.  things just haven't been the same since you've left and we all know the neighbors will never compare in friendliness. :)

the other day, we were driving home from the store and that kevin lyttle song came on.  not only did i laugh at the song, but that time in Captiva.  remember when we got locked out because our parents were out to eat and our brothers were playing tennis, so we had to hop the trolly by ourselves?  and we were the only ones?  and the guy was creepy?  and that song came on?



i love reliving great memories and i find myself doing it more and more lately.  not only is it simply uplifting, it helps keeps the good memories of this place alive before i kiss it all goodbye.  i'm finally old enough to truly appreciate the tiny details of this place.  this building, this community, this town.  it's weird to think of leaving it.

i know some people have moved a lot in their life and maybe i'm overreacting, but i haven't gone very far from home.  i mean -- for good... we moved when i was three... but i don't remember that.  and i go to school, but i come back to this place.  just weird.  weird. weird. weird.

...and that is what is on my mind today...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

goodbye vs. see you later.

i hate goodbyes.  i like to avoid them if possible.  i've been known to hide out when someone leaves so i don't have to experience that moment.  i'd prefer to think of people's departures as "see you later" moments.  i don't want to have an "end" to my time with them, i'd like it to just be a continuation of our relationship as a later date.  washing the dishes in the apartment with my roommates to moving in in the fall.  i don't want there to be the purposeful interruption of the two events.  enjoying the time together, enjoy the time apart.  don't put an emotional divide down the middle. 

does that make sense?  

anyways, i had one of those goodbye moments today.  my brother left for a month.  i know it's not that long of a time, but i wish he would have just left in the middle of the night -- and maybe left his kitten here.  the house has gone from being so full of life to so... empty without him and his cat here.  trust me: we'll be okay without him.  but we do get along incredibly well and it is awfully nice to have someone else here to deflect some of the attention i'll be getting for the next month.  hah.

in addition, my work hours have been cut in.... a lot of pieces.  shredded.  i am working less than a quarter of what i did last summer.  i'm bored out of my mind.  my summer school prof has cancelled the first three classes and i, therefore, may drop because i won't be learning much in this class and it is the basis for my next psych class.  are you doing the math?

i'm way too bored.

Monday, July 12, 2010

the best burritos ever.

my brother and i made the most delicious dinner tonight.  and it was fairly easy too.

1 routiserre chicken
2 avocados
1 small white onion, minced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
2 handfuls cilantro, chopped
1 cup cheese, shredded
ranch dressing
hot sauce
salt and pepper

pull apart the chicken into tiny, bite sized pieces. 

with the avocados, onion, garlic, and cilantro, combine to make guacamole.

preheat a pan.  head tortilla with shredded cheese and chicken on top.  sprinkle ranch dressing and hot sauce on top to your liking.  when the cheese begins to melt, top with guacamole.  remove from heat.

wrap like a burrito. 


they are probably the most delicious things ever.  i couldn't finish mine.  and i'm full.  but i'm looking forward to lunch tomorrow.  so good.  i think it might become one of my new regulars.  we'll see...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

out of the mouths of... students!

"you were born placenta first and didn't suck your blood as a child -- no wonder you turned out funny!"

"me: 1, joe: 0"

"you know why that happened?  Jesus doesn't like liars!"

"tell me about it!  glad i showered!"

Friday, July 9, 2010

friday, friday.

remember the beach babes from my last post?  my brother has been blessed to find a group of good guy friends just like them.  (minus the parties to plan parties -- guys don't plan).  they met in middle school/high school and are now scattered all over the world.  his best buddy is in town from Spain for the week though so my mother has planned a big bash for the boys and their families.  so guess what we're doing tonight?

yep, another party. gathering.  whatever you wish to call it.

unfortunately, i have been "under the weather" since the fourth.  i'm about to take a nap and hopefully when i wake up, i can join the crew.  it's always a good time when they're here. and it's been a few years since i've seen Mr. Spain. 

what's new in your life?  how are you spending your friday?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

beach babes.

my mom has a group of friends.  they call themselves the "beach babes."  when they started turning 50, instead of getting all upset and fiesty about it, they chose to celebrate.

...and celebrate they do!

my brothers and i always joke that my mom has a better social life than we as college students and young 20-somethings do.  these girls have parties to plan bigger parties.  they get together and sing into wooden spoons and hairbrushes, play the plunger game, indulge in overflowing liquor, and enjoy every second of it.

tonight is a planning party.  i'm well hidden but their laughs are contagious.  i hope to have a group of girlfriends like that some day.  it's good for the soul.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

gone fishin'.

i love coming home for the summer and spending time with my brother.  we don't see each other often anymore but it's always an enjoyable time when we do... for the most part. 

we've been fishing a lot.  we went on a hunt for a live bait and tackle shop.  there aren't many places around here but we found one, purchased some minnows, and have been trying our best to catch some killer fish.  hah.

 Please forgive the gross hair and the closed eye.  It was hotter than Hades and the sun was in my face.  Promise.  ;)

we've caught a few 22"-24" catfish, 16"-18" large mouth bass, and then a few "babies".  it's been fun, but most of all, it's great to spend some time with him.

Monday, July 5, 2010


there are two ways to spread happiness. either be the light that shines it, or the mirror that reflects it.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

does God exist?

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. They eventually touched on the subject of God.

I don't believe that God exists.

Why do you say that?

Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn’t exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can’t imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things.


The customer thought for a moment, but didn’t respond because he didn’t want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again.

You know what? Barbers don't exist.

How can you say that? I am here. I am a barber, and I just worked on you!

No! Barbers don’t exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside.

Ah, but barbers DO exist! That’s what happens when people do not come to me.

Exactly! That’s the point! God, too, DOES exist! That’s what happens when people do not go to Him and don’t look to Him for help. That’s why there’s so much pain and suffering in the world.

Friday, July 2, 2010

sister, sister.

i talked to my sister the other day.  you say, "you don't have a sister" and biologically, you'd be correct.  but... i have a sister.  and she lives in california.  way too far away from me.  and unfortunately, the physical distance has caused distance in our communication. :(  but, i talked to her the other day and it pretty much made my life.

so much to catch up on.  so much has changed.  so much is exactly. the. same.  it's crazy to see how far we've both come over the last several years.  the life we've seen.  the personal devastation.  the highs.  the lows.  the people that have come in and out of our lives.  the people, friendships, and relationships that we've cried about or laughed about.

oh, how i've missed our chats.  love ya, sista!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

clean up.

clean up, clean up.
everybody do your share.
clean up, clean up.
everybody, everywhere.

it's time to move out.  i do not like moving out.  not at all.  it's a pain.  it's inconvenient.  and i just plain do. not. like. it.  after way too many hours organizing and packing and three trips to the storage unit, i still have a ton of stuff to figure out what to do with.  add it to the large pile of junk in the backseat of my car?  probably.

it's weird moving out of here.  it's my first apartment.  i've lived here almost a year.  plus all my friends will still be here.  i want to go home.  i want to work and make money.  but i wish i could take my life here at school everywhere i go.  my friends.  my freedom.  my life.

no such luck.  so instead of reminiscing...

...i'll keep packing.