Wednesday, October 5, 2011


dear Heavenly Father,

thank you for your many blessings: for the roof over my head, the food in my belly, the running water i drink and bathe with, the clothes on my back, the bed i sleep in, and the car that gets me from point a to point b.  thank you for blessing me abundantly with great family and close friends, the opportunity to attend college, and an awesome student teaching placement.

as i sit here, typing this prayer on my computer, with my old iPhone syncing with my new Android, may i never forget my great fortune.  i pray for my Compassion child, Lord, playing ball with his friends in the depths of africa, enjoying life despite his poverty and visual impairment.  please continue to watch over him and his family as they work to provide and survive.  i pray for those who are without food, clothes, and/or shelter tonight.  may you grant them the peace that passes understanding as they try to rest tonight, hoping for a better future.

Lord, watch over my students tonight.  you know their situations, their hearts, their struggles, their wants, and their needs.  provide them with the comfort and love that only You can.  may they all rest easy tonight, wake up eager to learn in the morning, and be well behaved when they arrive at school.

in Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

constant reminder.

yesterday marked the anticipated end to a dreadful five weeks.  while it was dreadful due to the course load and amount of homework, it was dreadful for other reasons too.  these five weeks were difficult -- emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  it is not a secret that i have struggled at hope.  i've struggled to find my place, make quality friends, and truly thrive in this environment.  while i would never choose any differently than i did march of 2009, i do often contemplating what life could have been had i stayed home after my dad died.

there are definite perks: the social aspect of my life would have been easier.  i wouldn't have had to return to the drama that had mulled while i was gone.  i wouldn't have had to face the people i had trusted with such anger and animosity.  i wouldn't have set myself up for the disappointment that would later ensue in these five weeks.

last semester, i was so happy about the community that developed in my major.  we all appeared to get along fairly well.  we often talked about getting matching apparel and how we would all celebrate when everyone was 21.  it was such a relief that God was truly looking out for me and i had reestablished a great group of friends.  it was a semester of second chances and i was loving it.

...then i came back to school this semester and that community was...  different.  it was cliquier.  and as everyone discussed how happy and blessed they were for this community, i began to despise it.  social media only fueled my hurt, devastation, and anger.  not only were people becoming exclusive, they were posting all over the web about how much fun they were having and loved each other. the group was no longer 38 strong, it was seven strong and i was not one of the seven.

i have never, in my life, been ignored in the manner i was these last five weeks.  i often walked into class and sat by myself as others filled the tables around me.  i listened as these "friends" discussed their plans with each other for the night or weekend, never once receiving an invitation.  i'd walk with them as we switched classes, chime in on the conversation, and be blatantly ignored.  

people change, and that's fine.  but i feel as though my school breeds dishonest people.  when asked about my experience at the school, i am honest: it has been a struggle but a great learning experience i wouldn't change for the world.  when my peers were asked, their responses included: "i love it so much i couldn't function without it." "love isn't even a strong enough word." "i'd be lost without it."  that's great -- except this is what they say all. the. time. no matter the circumstances -- and i know they've had struggles too.

a few of the "seven strong" have mentioned that their semesters have been hard and therefore, they are taking time to focus on themselves.  because they have struggled, they are going to do whatever it takes to make them happy -- apparently at the expense of others.  what they don't realize is, it is okay to be open and honest about struggles.  struggles do not give us the right to become self-centered.  struggles do not make us weak -- they make us stronger as we power through and persevere.   

apparently God thinks i need the constant reminder.  struggles do not give us the right to retreat and be trampled on.  so here is my open moment of truth: these five weeks have been awful.  i have been hurt by people's words and actions.  but those words and actions are not going to damper the rest of the semester.  i'm excited for what the next eleven weeks have to offer and i'll get by without feeling hurt every other day.  

Thursday, May 26, 2011

choose joy.

sometimes i think we are our biggest critics.  at least i know that is the case for me.  you can't tell me something about myself or my faults that i haven't already thought about.  i have probably stayed up late at night, restless in bed, thinking about what a fool i made out of myself today for this, that or the other.  and recently, one of those things has been my negativity.  i feel as though everything that has come out of my mouth has been negative, and i'm not unhappy.  i've actually been very content recently.  i mean, sure we all have our moments, but the majority of my life has been so good recently. 

therefore, i have come to the realization that sometimes one must just choose joy.  sometimes i have to remind myself that i am happy and i need to make sure my words and actions are expressing this happiness.  in the down moments, it's easy to get caught up in the moment or the temporary emotion and i find that while the emotion only lasts for a few moments, the words and actions don't stop; a major disconnect between mind, body and soul.  not cool.

so many times i open this window and all i can think to write about is how negative my friend is being or how annoying my housemate is being or how much homework i have to do or how ugly the weather is, but there are so many good things going on too.  why is it so hard to rejoice in the good moments?  why is it so hard to admit that things are going great, i'm happy, i have a lot to do but i'm embracing it because i'm here, i'm warm (or cool), i'm alive, i have food, water, and shelter, i have friends that love me, a family that supports me, teachers that care about me and want to see me succeed, etc?  i don't know.  i'm going to work on it...

...because i'm choosing joy.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

yes it is.

i have felt like i am going to vomit all day.  and for those of you who have spoken to me at all in the last 6 months know how much i love vomit.  i don't.  at all.  gahhhh....

as good as it felt to hand that letter over, i'm shakin' in my boots.  i hate being vulnerable and yet vulnerability is what might actually get me somewhere.  i said what i needed to say.  i was nice.  it was heartfelt.  it was the complete and utter truth.  whatever comes of it, comes of it.  i need to keep reminding myself of the same things Paul told me time and time before.  i can't take steps thinking everything will go back to normal.  things might get better but the old normal will never be the normal again.  i need to caution myself from getting my hopes up, waiting for a response, etc.  but it's hard.  i laid it out on the line and it's awkward to think it might have been read, or it might have not.  and even if it was read, there may never be a response.  humph.

each experience is a learning experience.  even though i don't want to believe it, it is true and i have learned many things and will continue to learn from the experience.  sometimes things don't end as we want them too and no matter what is done, they can not be reversed.  the wishes of one are not the wishes of other and one day, i will come to terms with it.  yep.  one day.  eventually.  in the meantime, i am just going to sit in my house, do my homework for my summer terms, and wish that the last two years of my life played out in a different manner.  life's easier that way.



rumor has it she got the letter and she appreciated it.  the letter could have gone one of two ways: the positive one it appeared to go or the "omg get out of my life forever" and i'm glad it went the way it did. she talked to at least one of her housemates about it and they said she was very grateful for the letter so... it's over.   now back to your daily programming.

Friday, May 6, 2011

i think i'm gonna be sick.

Dear... ,

I have written this letter over and over in my head over the course of the last couple of years.  I don’t know where to start or why to start.  I’m not quite sure why I am writing this letter and at the same time I have the deepest understanding.  This weekend is a moment we spoke of often with anticipation of all the great memories we would have shared and the future we would have, keeping in touch and sharing all of life’s great joys with each other.

In high school, I never had a great group of friends.  I had a couple friends that I was close to and hung out with but there was never a cohesive group and I looked forward to changing that when I got to college.  I was so blessed to room with you and become so close.  It was a relief – a comforting feeling that God actually was looking out for me.  I was so blessed by our wonderful inside jokes, our great heart to hearts, and all the fun experiences we had.  I still speak of them fondly when I remember them.

Despite everything that has happened between the two of us and the fact we haven’t spoken in a very long time, I recall all of those memories often.  Many nights I lay in bed thinking of everything I’ve done wrong, what I could have done differently, what I could have said that would have made everything go back to normal that December day in Paul’s office.   I have become incredibly angry with God for my inability to maintain any sort of relationship with you.  

I once had someone mention to me that they never realized we knew each other.  I was so caught off guard.  How could they not know?  How could they be friends with me and not know that I had been such great friends with you?  Not be aware of all the fun times we had had and inside jokes we threw back and forth?  It hit me that I suppose it has probably been equally long since we’ve been good friends as we were good friends, yet your friendship has impacted me more than I ever could have imagined.   

I came back to Hope incredibly depressed, lonely, and abandoned.  Not only had I lost my dad, I had lost my best friend too.  I have struggled to move on.  It is still a daily struggle to get out of bed, go to class and field placement, pass the people I used to feel so connected to and yet feel so distant.  I know this is my fault.  Paul told me over and over again that hurting people hurt other people and I realize I have done that not only with you, but many of our mutual friends too.  It is forever painful to see you moving on and happy with the same group of friends we had freshman and sophomore year, knowing I no longer play a role in it.  

I have run the whole gamut of emotions, as I am sure you may have too.   I acknowledge that I have hurt you and at the same time I question if I really did because I’m so damn insecure in myself I think you may have never felt our friendship was nearly as important as I valued it.  I question myself daily, I am angry with myself often, and I frequently find myself depressed and reflective.  I struggle and am unable to open myself up and be close with many.  I get close to making good friends and I push them away for fear of messing up in the same way I did with you.  I suppose I keep trying to find someone to fill your place when we both know that is impossible.  The friendship you provided me the first two years of college is immeasurable. 

People always say “everything happens for a reason” or “live and learn” but I have a hard time swallowing these phrases.  I’m still searching for the reason or the lessons to learn.  Maybe I’ve discovered the lessons and they’ve been a hard pill to swallow.  I’m not sure.  I want to believe everyone when they say “everything happens for a reason” because it gives me hope that there is a bigger plan that I’m not aware of; that all the struggles will bring great joy eventually.  I’m waiting for the “eventually” – for the other shoe to drop.   Actually, I’m really waiting to wake up from the nightmare and have everything return to the way it was.  Ahhh… if only.

I miss you.  I miss our friendship.  I miss our jokes.  I miss our memories.  I miss the fun times we had.  I miss the heart to hearts we had.  I miss our ability to be painfully honest, cry on the futon, and still remain friends afterwards.  I miss your laugh.  I miss the random things you used to do in your sleep.  I miss you.  I’m just having an incredibly difficult time handling the reality that we will never have what we had.  And right as I wrote the last sentence, Bev made her profile picture a picture of you, Bev, and Brooke the night we went around campus with chalk.  A picture from my album, without me in it, to commemorate the four years at Hope.  That was a shot through the heart as I broke down on my futon.  Things never will go back to that and to be honest, sometimes I can’t handle it.

I want to be at graduation to support you and congratulate you on the many wonderful accomplishments you have had during your time here at Hope.  Selfishly, I will not be.  I am obviously still suffering and I do not wish the suffering upon you.  Graduation is a wonderful time for celebration! Your friendship has been immeasurable to me and I know it has been to the many other people around you at graduation.

I wish you all the happiness in the world.  I know you have the energy and passion to do so many great things in the world.  Your contagious smile and hunger for justice are great gifts I know you will take full advantage of in the many years ahead.   May your years here at Hope only catapult you into great things above and beyond what these few city blocks have to offer. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

so long, farewell.

well, today is the day.  the day where everyone starts to go their own ways for the summer.  that is a depressing thought.  i'll be around here for a few more weeks taking a few more classes while my friends will be scattered across the united states doing their thang.  i am so incredibly sad to see this semester come to a close.  i have become so close with those in my major and a few of the girls in my house.  we have battled a lot of tough moments together and it is hard to think that these exact opportunities won't be around anymore.  days of chilling in the curriculum library, riding the sligh high, etc. are all about to be dust in the wind. 

and i have a hard time showing these emotions to people.  freshman and sophomore year, i was an open book.  i hated breaks and everyone knew.  i cried when i left school and i sincerely missed my  friends all summer long, trying to remain in touch with them.  but as we all know, those relationships went south and now i feel like a bitter old hag who is unable to express my true emotions anymore.  should this be alarming?  probably so, but i'm getting by.

so to those of you who may read this, when you leave today or tomorrow or graduate on sunday, i will truly miss you from the bottom of my heart -- even if i don't cry when you leave.  you have all had such a huge impact on my life, my happiness, and my experience here at school.  please don't be strangers. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


i have an obsession with thunderstorms.  i frequently wish it thunderstormed all day.  i truly believe that i could probably move to seattle and be happy because i. love. rain.  growing up, whenever it would storm, i would go outside with my dad.  we had a screened-in porch where we would sit and listen to the rain.  in silence.  just enjoying the moment.  as i got older, i wasn't always home when it stormed.  i'd get in after hanging out with friends to find him asleep on the bench outside.  there is something so peaceful about rain.

i love listening to rain as i fall asleep -- late at night or all tucked in for a midafternoon nap.  i love listening to rain when i'm depressed, as i listen to sad music, as i reflect on life, as i read my Bible, as i write lesson plans.  i love the background music of rain.  the cleansing of imperfections and past moments.  it has always served as a reminder that whatever happened in the past is in the past.  deal with it, learn from it, let it wash away, and start anew.  i love new beginnings.

i love rain.

Monday, April 18, 2011

lack of productivity.

i'll take a vowel for $1,000,000.  i'd like to guess.  what is "lack of productivity"?  WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER.

i did nothing tonight.  i had this great to do list for the evening.  it was composed of... lesson plans, resource files, tweaking my case study, lesson plans, and more lesson plans.  i wanted to get at least get two lesson plans plus all the other stuff done.  i was going to be productive.  yes sir, i was.

but then i wasn't.  i sat in the kletz (dutch for "conversation" if you didn't know -- at least, that's what the tour told me) and did no homework.  i laughed until i cried.  i listening to music.  i drank coffee.  i laughed some more.  i watched my friends dance and do weird things like "squirrel."  and i got nothing academic done.

it was great.  as the year winds to an end and everyone starts stressing out, the night was great to remind me that no matter how stressful things get -- the world won't end and my friends won't leave.  laughter is the solution to everything, i've decided.  in 20 years, this lesson plan REALLY isn't going to matter -- but my friendship will.

lovin' my speddies all the way from across campus! :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

thank you, bruno mars.

today i don't feel like doing anything
i just wanna lay in my bed
don't feel like picking up my phone,
so leave a message at the tone
'cause today i swear i'm not doing anything

Thursday, April 7, 2011

i love special education.

i have opened this window many times in the last week.  i had great dreams of writing some meaningful posts about Waiting for Superman or the mandatory meeting my house is having.  big posts about responsibility.  and yet now, when i am choosing to write, is when i have something that doesn't require a lot of intense thought.  so welcome to my brain right now...

i am sitting in the curriculum library.  it is my home away from home this semester.  all of us crazy education majors get together to write lesson plans, complain about workloads, embrace each other's uniqueness, and laugh at the silly things the school-aged children say.

right now, there are four people here: myself, someone i was supposed to graduate with, someone who transferred to the school, and a fellow sped major.  it makes me think of the journeys we all take to get to where we are today.  there have most likely been paths with road blocks and speed bumps.  and today, i've made the conscious effort to embrace those imperfections.

i am incredibly blessed by my fellow DEPS and Spedettes.  they are the few that have kept me moving forward, laughing through the misery and working through the stress and sleeplessness.  i can't imagine life without these amazing people (and their whacked out sense of humor)!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


it's the third birthday that i have seen pass without celebration let alone mention.  it's easier that way.  fail to mention it to the others hurting and living in chose oblivion just seems to be better -- easier.  it's to the point that the day arrives and i wonder, if not for the reminder on my phone, would i notice?  i tell myself i would.  i have to.

today was not a bad day.  i was productive.  i got work done.  i enjoyed the company of friends -- most blissfully unaware that anything was happening.  no one wants negative people around and therefore, i tried very hard not to mention it except to select few -- those who tolerate me because they have to.

i understand.  just like i sometimes need to handle it, others handle it the same.  they have to because they've never experienced the pain it entails and they don't wish to add insult to injury.  i get it.  and today i embraced that fact and loved it, something i can't say often. 

it's hard to believe it's been three birthdays.  hmph.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

things that make my day.

1.  clementines.
2.  good conversation.
3.  random phone calls.
4.  making new friends.
5.  car rides.
6.  cool weather.
7.  cotsco membership.
8.  Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult.
9.  text messages just to say hi.
10.  diet coke.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

clownin' around for the kids.

something a little happier after yesterday.  not that the last post wasn't uplifting or anything, but i figured there is always a chance to be brighter and happier.

since last september, a group of college students (also referred to as dream team or dt) met weekly or every other weekly to plan a twenty four hour event we like to call dance marathon! throughout the year we plan, fundraise, rally, plan, meet, get excited, etc. for an awesome event that takes place on campus.  for twenty four hours, students are encouraged to stand on their feet to raise money for the local children's hospital.  families who have spent time at the hospital come, fellowship with the students, and share their moving stories of bravery and surviving.

i am so thankful for all of the students that were able to see past themselves and give to a greater cause though.  (this is in no way meant to imply that those students unable to attend the event or participate in a great manner are heartless or unable to see past themselves.  in fact, there were people at the event that were drunk, high, sleeping, sneaking out, etc. that were unable to see past themselves but were doing it as a requirement for their sorority or fraternity.)

i was so incredibly blessed to be a member of dream team this year.  i met some absolutely fabulous people with such a strong passion for changing the world -- it was contagious.  the event went great and we raised over $90,000!  our total was equivalent to every student at the school donating $30.  if anyone has ever been involved in fundraising, you know that is a difficult feat and almost impossible.  

 asldfkjal;dkfa;sdlfkasdjf;alsdjflasdkfjalsjdoasdjfoabghoafljvnbaodguoadfjlasdf!  i still get goosebumps every time i see that number.  it is so worth the headaches, the stress, the lack of sleep, the sore backs, the achey feet, the temper tantrums, the anxiety.  it is so worth all of the negative to have such a positive impact -- to have the families hug you and shake your hand, thanking you for the impact you have made on their family and their child's future.  SO WORTH IT!

Monday, March 21, 2011

a little about me.

i am morbidly obese.
i am ugly.
i have no friends.
no one likes me.
i am embarassing.
i am on the path to defining white trash.
i am going to school to teach retards when i am retarded myself.
i am a hypocrite.
all i do is eat.
i am unmotivated.
i lack compassion.
i am uneducated.

someone please remind me why i should love and respect my brother.  oh, by the way, he also cares about me.  is this what "caring" looks like?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

italian soda

don't you hate when you have the perfect thing to blog about and the perfect wording, yet it all leaves you when you sit down to type it.  it's like when you think of what you need to get at the grocery store while you are standing in the shower, only to forget before you can get to pen and paper.

in other news, i made my own italian soda today.  it was tasty so i'll leave you with the recipe.  if i remember what i came here to say, i'll be back.  don't count on it.

italian soda:
1/2 cup flavored syrup
1/2 cup cream/half&half/milk
10 oz. club soda

stir.  serve over ice.  YUMMMMMMMMM.

Friday, February 4, 2011

snowy week.

things are starting to pick up here.  it is going to be a lot of craziness the next few weeks.  basically -- through march 12.  i'm excited for all the challenges though.  bring it.

i'm in a good mood today.  probably because i just took my nueropsych exam and it didn't hurt me as much as i thought it would.  i definitely didn't get 100% but i didn't fail either.  it's always refreshing to walk out of the exam room confident that you passed.  and for this class, passing is a C+ or higher.  will i try my hardest?  absolutely, but this professor... well, she's special. 

besides the exam, i had two snow days this week.  one was, of course, the perk of being an education major.  all the local schools were closed for a few days and therefore, i got to enjoy one of them.  one day was because my college closed though.  that was probably one of the most exciting days of my life.  my school does not close for school.  it's residential, most of the students walk everywhere, there is no need to.  but the other day, they closed.  and it was a glorious day -- i slept 'til noon.  enough said.

now, it's the freakin' weekend and i'm about to have me some fun... doing homework and stuff.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

it's been a while.


i just realized i take a lot of blogging breaks.  i'm trying to fix it.  work with me.


there are perks to having an upper respiratory infection.  sleeping.  sleeping.  and sleeping.  watching movies, eating ice cream, and drinking tea.  reading blogs and stalking twitter.  organizing and reorganizing myself.  homework. homework.  and more homework.  and did i mention sleeping?  i did a lot of that.

the more i snooped around on the blogs i follow and read their tweets after tweets, it made me think about missing blogger.  i do miss it.  i miss my blog and the outlet it provides.  i miss the fun design.  i miss the opportunity to relive fun times and sort out hard times.  i miss keeping my friends informed.  at the same time, it causes frustration and irritation too.  i don't feel as though i am a great writer.  i rarely have pictures to post or interesting facts to include.  it's not catchy or attention grabbing.  it pains me.

today though, i love blogger.  it is time to bring it back.  for my sanity.  for something to do in my free time.  for an outlet.  for fun.  for entertainment.  today, i love blogger.