i just realized i take a lot of blogging breaks. i'm trying to fix it. work with me.
there are perks to having an upper respiratory infection. sleeping. sleeping. and sleeping. watching movies, eating ice cream, and drinking tea. reading blogs and stalking twitter. organizing and reorganizing myself. homework. homework. and more homework. and did i mention sleeping? i did a lot of that.
the more i snooped around on the blogs i follow and read their tweets after tweets, it made me think about missing blogger. i do miss it. i miss my blog and the outlet it provides. i miss the fun design. i miss the opportunity to relive fun times and sort out hard times. i miss keeping my friends informed. at the same time, it causes frustration and irritation too. i don't feel as though i am a great writer. i rarely have pictures to post or interesting facts to include. it's not catchy or attention grabbing. it pains me.
today though, i love blogger. it is time to bring it back. for my sanity. for something to do in my free time. for an outlet. for fun. for entertainment. today, i love blogger.
10 years ago