Sunday, October 31, 2010

being a teacher.

my hometown is voting on a school levy this week.  if it does not pass we will lose: 42 teachers, all high school bussing, our athletic director, the school social worker, the band and all sports will be pay to play, etc.  this levy needs to pass for the sake of our school and the education of our future. 

there is a facebook group to remind people to vote so i joined and took a look at what people had to say.  i am shocked at how many uneducated people there are out there.  they graduated with me.  we got a very similar education.  and yet they don't see the importance of a school levy.  they refuse to vote for it because they don't want the teachers to make more.  the average teacher makes $33,671.  but that's not even the point.  the money from the levy is not for the teachers to take more.  the teachers already signed a contract agreeing to no pay raise.

if this levy does not pass, the reputation of my high school is loss.  the name on my diploma/resume will have little to no meaning anymore.  we can kiss the top 3% of the nation title away. yet one student goes as far to claim the levy is blackmail.  that if the levy isn't passed, the teachers will probably stop teaching.  fortunately for her, she already graduated AND most teachers don't go into the profession hoping to make boatloads of money.  unfortunately, a school that is known for it's great education will no longer have the opportunity to make it better.  and if there is no chance for the education to improve, we will soon be passed in rankings.  there are so many cutting edge technologies available for classrooms that our school will never have.  life is going to pass my alma mater.

this levy depresses me.  greatly depresses me.  at this point, i think i will return to studying to be a teacher and forget about this horrible levy until tuesday night when it truly becomes upsetting.  humph.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


i took a vacation from blogging.  but i'm baaaaaaack!

so much has happened in the last several weeks.  a lot of classes, homework, field placements and office hours.  three trips to the hospital for two different friends, including brain surgery for one.  two weekend trips to different states.  a lot of classes, homework, field placements and office hours -- oh wait, i already said that.

anyways, i'm determined to make time for myself and start blogging regularly again.  i look forward to it!